The journal is designed to be combined with a book of your own choice.  Students will read a chapter each week and write a brief summary of its contents.  To help you choose a book, we have prepared a list of books that correspond closely to the theme of each 12 week journal. 

We have designed this resource to be affordable for you with the hope that all those will have an opportunity to take part. You will only need to purchase a book to go with the journal each semester.  Why books you ask?  There is no better source of content to promote significant growth.

We have come to know that, 'learning promotes growth!  Imagine the growth of your children/students as they read multiple theologically based books over the course of several semesters.  

Please note, the books are suggestions only to make this as simple a process as possible for you.  By suggesting them we are not endorsing all content, we are simply pointing you to options that have been known to help many. 

Semester 1


Case for Christ for Kids
By Lee Strobel


Stomping Out the Darkness: Discover Your True Identity in Christ and Stop Putting Up with the World's Garbage!
By Neil T. Anderson, Dave Park


The Case For Christ-Youth Edition: A Journalist's Personal Investigation Of The Evidence For Jesus
By Lee Strobel

Semester 2


Keep In Step With The Spirit: Finding Fullness in Our Walk with God
By J. Packer


Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
By Jim Cymbala

holy spirit.jpg

What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit: Revised Edition
By Stanley Horton


Forgotten God
By Francis Chan


Case for Faith for Kids
By Lee Strobel


Semester 3


Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff


Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex Harris


Improving Your Serv by Charles Swindoll