Welcome to Launch Leaders!
Investment matters
Jesus made an intentional investment coming alongside a small group of burgeoning leaders and shaped them into people that could be trusted to lead. He pushed them towards depth of spirit and into active ministry roles until they were ready to embrace the things they were called to. At Launch we attempt to emulate that strategy in partnership with local leaders.

The church moves forward when its people grow in spiritual depth and courage to lead.
We believe we can help local church pastors move people towards leadership potential that impacts both their church and community in very practical ways.
the role of church leadership is to equip people to do profound things for God.

Launch is a 50 day leadership discipleship course designed to move lay people into ministry.
It is characterized by 3 significant elements.
Daily Leadership Devotional
Weekly Leadership Training
Construction of a Strategic Ministry Plan
The course is designed as a partnership between a Launch Facilitator and a local church pastor.
Pastors invite up to 6 people with leadership potential to take a 50 day journey towards launching ministry outcomes. Why only 6?
The pastor serves as coach to ensure students feel supported during and after the course completes. Students will be producing ministry outcomes on behalf of the church.
Are you ready to Launch Leaders?
✓ 8 Week Course
✓ Leadership Lessons
✓ Launch Devotional
✓ Coaches Handbook
✓ Personal Coaching
✓ Step by Step Ministry Plan
Coming Soon.

Through Launch we have seen people grow in both substance and serving.
The results have surprised us right from the first time the course was attempted.
The impact on church culture and community has been measurable.
Every time a leader is launched they take others with them on their ministry journey.
Many of the outcomes realized have strengthened either the existing ministries of the local church or resulted in missional outcomes impacting the surrounding community.